The core of machine vision is measurement (including microscope-based measurement), presence/absence checking, colour analysis and position-checking. The products to be checked by machine vision systems may be metal, plastic, rubber, hard disk drive or semiconductors. We have the expertise to provide solutions to many diverse machine vision problems. We routinely provide feasibility trials to show a potential customer how a task may be completed. Machine vision systems are usually installed 'online' and do not restrict conveyor or production line speeds.
Our ExpertiseWe specialized in Machine vision integration into any high to low-end equipments. From replacement of existing obsolete vision systems, to working with End-users to implement vision system so as to improve overall Yield and Productivity.
OCR / OCVOCR (optical character recognition) and OCV (optical character verification) are superficially similar tasks that require different tools to complete successfully. We have a great deal of experience in both, having carried out OCR with machine vision systems on fast-moving, variable fonts in multiple industry sectors and also OCV on printed parts. With our expertise we are able to perform many checks per second.
Barcodes and DataMatrixBarcodes and data matrix (2D barcodes) are visual codes that can be read and decoded by machine vision systems. The increasing use of data matrix codes is linked to the aeronautical, automotive and semiconductor industries' requirements for 'traceability'. The intention is that batch or serial numbers can be permanently marked onto components. This is useful for tracking defective batches and also identifying counterfeit parts. In addition to other machine vision applications, it is often worth considering that vision systems can carry out this function as well as those mentioned above. We can provide data matrix readers and advise on how data matrix could help your industry.
Machine Vision Consultancy and TrainingAs well as complete solutions, iSolutions Technology is able to give machine vision systems training or consultancy for existing installations. We have found that when non-specialists install or alter vision systems mistakes are frequently made. We are able to offer our services and experience to improve your vision installations.